How to convert HTML to Joomla?

Monday, 28 November 2011

HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is used for annotating the web pages. HTML uses HTML Tags and HTML Documents to create and describe the pages. Websites created with HTML are static that means you will have to access the annotation to make any changes in the page. This becomes a hindrance for those, who need to change the content of their website very frequently. If you need to add, delete of change the content, you have no options but to have sound understanding of the language. If you don’t, you will have to hire professionals, who may charge you lot of money. Working on a static site is time consuming process, which does not simply allow us to keep our website live and energetic. Besides, various features such as forms, newsletters, user log in, social networking, etc. are not available with the language. Due to all these limitations, nowadays, people are shifting their focus to Joomla.

Joomla is an award winning and promising free and open source Content Management Systems (CMS) that allow easy customization of a HTML site into Joomla site.

Why Joomla is preferred by people across the world to convert their HTML site into a dynamic site using the CMS?
  • Since, Joomla is dynamic platform; it is easy to edit the entire site with ease
  • Since, it is a CMS; you have complete authority to administer the content on one page
  • No technical expertise required
  • Suitable to host websites with any nature and in any size. With Joomla, you can create websites for corporate houses, magazines, newspapers, e-commerce applications, communities, education purpose, etc
  • Easy installation and uploading process
  • Intensive user management and control
  • A range of free templates and themes
  • Complete online support through forums and discussion encouraged by the community.
How to convert HTML to Joomla?

Converting HTML to Joomla is not a tedious job but needs an attentive step-by-step approach. You are supposed to prepare templates, replace the HTML tags, position the Joomla modules, create a manifest file and finally package all these properly to ensure smooth conversion. Following the steps mentioned below may also help you to convert HTML to Joomla:
  • Use Article Manager Icon in the Control Panel to manage the articles
  • Define the categories to manage the pages and integrate the changes on the Joomla site menus
  • Use ‘Menu Manger’ to create new menus that will also allow you define the layout using ‘Article Layout’
  • Now by selecting the articles, you are supposed to set menus and sub menus
  • Once you do that, you can display the edit form on Extensions of the site
  • With the help of the edit form, you can position the menu
  • You can also access the menu in pull-down list
  • Now you can change the style as well
By converting the HTML site into a professional Joomla site, one can take advantages of the thousands of free features that come with the CMS.

HTMLFirm is a professional PSD to HTML conversion company which converts your photoshop designs to high quality cross browser compatible, W3C validated and SEO semantic HTML/CSS markup. Check for PSD to HTML, PSD to CSS, PSD to Wordpress, PSD to Magento, PSD to Joomla and much more.


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